EPR1200: based on invaluable experience

The EPR1200 reactor offered for Dukovany 5 is an adaptation of the flagship of the French nuclear industry, the EPR reactor. EPRs are already running and new units are under construction in Europe, which represents invaluable experience that Czechia can draw on.

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From a technical point of view, EPR1200 is a smaller and adapted version of the EPR reactor. The same overall architeture, the same approach to safety and the same materials and equipment have been used for this 1200MW version of the EPR, which has already been licensed and certified from the projects in France (Flamanville 3), in China (Taishan EPR), in Finland (Olkiluoto 3 EPR) and in the UK (Hinkley Point C EPR). This gurantees EPR1200’s remarkable safety but also its proven features and performance.

Nuward SMR: optimal replacement of coal-fired plants

EDF has concluded with ČEZ a cooperation agreement aimed towards addressing further cooperation on small modular reactors, especially NUWARD SMR, which is designed to replace coal-fired power plants with a low-carbon sources of energy after 2030. Since 2017 EDF has been developing its small reactor NUWARD SMR – a perfect solution to meet such goal.

NUWARD SMR with a net power output of 340 MWe is a pressurized water reactor and therefore is based on decades of experience with operation of this technology – the most common in the world.

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NUWARD SMR is clearly a European project using broad international cooperation including nuclear experts from Czechia. EDF´s aim is to create a European network of suppliers, including Czech companies, who will work on deployment of NUWARD SMR in multiple markets.

EDF´s reactor portfolio - proven technology with the highest safety standards


1650 MWe

EPR technology-based design

  • Most powerful reactor in the world
  • The leading reference for very high energy demand
  • High maneuverability


1200 MWe

EPR technology-based design

  • EPR technology adaptation to 1200 MWe
  • Adaptation to various site and grid conditions
  • High maneuverability


340 MWe

Fully integrated SMR design

  • Targeting coal-fired plants replacement in the 300-400 MWe range
  • Adaptation to various environments
  • Other low-carbon uses: hydrogen, heat & electricity

EPR: proven and robust technology for high energy demand

EPR: proven and robust technology for high energy demand

The most powerful reactor worldwide, the EPR reactor had been designer with the highest standards of safety as well as optimised technical, economical and environmental performance. 

  • 1650

    Net power output

  • 60


  • ≥90


  • 12 - 24

    Operation cycle length

EPR1200, the EPR mid-size adaptation

Entirely based upon the fully EPR design, ERP1200 benefits from the EPR's robustness at a power output of 1200 MWe (instead of 1650 MWe), with the highest safety standards as well as optimised technical, economical and environmental performance.

  • 1200

    Net power output

  • 60


  • ≥90


  • 12 - 24

    Operation cycle length

With NUWARD SMR, EDF answers to various needs:

  • Replace 300-400 MWe industrial coal-fired boilers,
  • Electrify remote communities,
  • Power industrial sites or less interconnected infrastructures,
  • Provide grid stability in particular in cases if high perpetration of intermittent renewable sources. 

Highly maneuverable, NUWARD SMR is also designed to support other potential usages such as hydrogen production, distinct heating or desalination.

NUWARD SMR will meet the emerging SMR market by 2030 as EDF plans to start construction of a NUWARD SMR reference plant in France in 2030.

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EPR for Europe: the benefits of being part of the EPR European Fleet

Driving the wave of new nuclear development in Europe is at the core of EDF's strategy. It is EDF's conviction that building robust, comprehensive and long.term relationships with European partners and allies is the most effective sustainable way to maximize the positive effect of nuclear development in Europe.

Europe being at the heart of it's strategy, EDF is currently involved in several EPR projects under development in Europe. The growing European EPR fleet will provide Czech Republic economies of scale: an accelerated learning curve in integrating the EPR supply chain and securing project delivery for Dukovany and beyond.