Our ambition for the Czech New Nuclear Programme
The construction of new nuclear power plants, the largest investment in the history of the Czech Republic, has the potential to become a huge stimulus for the economy, for the expansion of education, research and development, and for development in the regions concerned.
EDF's European offer brings the greatest value in all these aspects: maximum involvement of Czech companies in the project, intensive Czech-French cooperation in education and science, and support for the creation of lasting values in the vicinity of the new plants.
Opportunities For Czech Nuclear Industry
The Czech Republic has a rich nuclear heritage, with a developed nuclear industry and experience in construction of nuclear power plants. EDF is eager to tap into this exceptional capability, with a vision to invigorate local industry and accelerate its development.
EDF position as a leader of the European nuclear renaissance opens opportunities beyond the planned projects at Dukovany and Temelín. See how we work with the Czech nuclear industry.

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About EDF
The world’s largest nuclear operator with an unrivalled track-record and expertise
The proposed EPR1200 reactor, adapted from EDF’s flagship EPR technology, consists of a 1200MW Generation 3+ pressurized nuclear water reactor designed to meet the most stringent safety and performance requirements in Europe.
EPR1200 benefits from the same safety characteristics as EDF’s optimized EPR2 technology, which fully incorporates operational and safety requirements defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association and French Nuclear Regulator (ASN), and passes post-Fukushima stress tests. EPR1200 integrates proven passive and active safety features.
EPR technology is proven, reliable and already successfully operating in Europe (Finnish power plant Olkiluoto 3). It has already obtained construction licenses from safety authorities in France, Finland, UK and China. All major design options of EPR1200 have been reviewed and accepted by the French Nuclear Regulator. The first operational EPR unit was China's Taishan 1, which started commercial operation in 2018.